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Brief Introduction

Vyas Municipality, Tanahun is one of the innovative municipality named after the Maharshi Vedvyas, the writer of 'Veda' a holistic hindu doctrine, situated at the confluence bank of Madi and Seti River. It is one of the municipalities, which could be formed after re-establishment of multiparty democracy in 1991 by great interest and continue effort of local people and leaders of this territory. Due to versatile beauty and cultural diversity offered by the nature, this municipality bears plenty of potentiality and opportunity for Tourism development. Chhabdi Barah Darshan, Bhanu Ghansi Memorial Park Visit, Manhaunkot Trekking, Shiva Panchayan and Vyas Cavevisit, Madi River Rafting etc are some touristic activities which have become the regularity for internal as well as foreign tourist. Mela and Mahotsav (Cultural and Business Festivals) conducted by Local Authority and aligned organisation is keeping on effort for Tourism Development.

1. General

Name               :      Vyas Municipality, Tanahun, Damauli, previous name, which is still popular name of the town.

Situation          :      Gandaki

Estd Year        :      2048 (1992) / 2073 (2017)

Telephone       :      065-560632/560163/560162

Fax                  :      00977-65-560233

Location          :      About 150 km west of Kathmandu and 50 km east of Pokhara along the Prithvi Highway.

District            :      Tanahun (Damauli - present district head quarters, the district head quarters was shifted from Bandipur to Damauli in BS 2025).

Province No.    :      Gandaki

Main Trade Relation: Kathmandu, Pokhara and Bharatpur.

Area                :      248.00 square km

Elevation         :      280 m. - 1245 m. from msl.

Main river       :      Madi and Seti

Temperature   :      8.40 c -37.00 c

Rainfall            :      Annual Average 1960.6mm

Total ward       :      Total 14 wards, out of which 3 wards in urban area, 3 wards in semi-urban area and rest of wards area of rural characteristics. Each wards coverage of 248 Tlos which is organised by Rural Urban Partnership Program (RUPP)


2. Population

Total population:    (2078 B.S.) 78939

                                          42782 Female, 36157 Male

Growth rate:   0.9%

Households:   22585

Density:           318.30  persons / sq.km


3. Socio-Economic Aspects:

Cast :Magar 19.50%      :Braman  15.15%     :Chetri  13.68%         :Newar 8.68%

        :Kami 7.62%        :Gurung 8.80%         :Darai 4.42%             :Sarki 4.44%

        : Damai 3.61%     :Thakuri 1.80%         :Musalman 2.36%      :Kumal 1.78%

        : Bote 1.05           :Sanyasi  0.96          Dura   0.93                  :Others 5.93%

LiteracyTotal 76% 

OccupationAgriculture 65%, Business 5%, Others 30%

MarketDamauli Bazar

Trade and Industry:

            Medium and small-scale trade and industries are in operation. Tanahun Chamber of Commerce and Industry exists in Damauli.

Park and Garden:       -Bhanu Ghansi Memorial Park at Ghansikuwa VDC

                              constructed by major assistance of Vyas Municipality

                              -BP  Garden Park

                              -Shanti Bal Uddhan  Park, at Vyas Municipality-3, Damauli

                              -Jungle Park at Vyas Municipality-4, Damauli

Theatre/Hall   Cinema theatre  -1

                        Convention hall -5 nos.

Religious Place:

            Vyas Cave and Panchayan Temple (Madi & Seti Dovan) Parashar Cave and Ananta Cave.


Own Source Revenue 195,379,590.87 (078/79    fiscal year)

Total Income              1,618,143,951.58 (078/79    fiscal year)

Total Expenditure      1,435,622,537.80 (078/79 fiscal year)


4. Developmental Infrastructure:

Road: Black Topped 93.37 km, Gravel 166.60 and Other 473.33 (urban roads, Prithvi Highway (Kathmandu -Pokhara), Vyas Road, Sindhu Road, Chhabdi Road, Mahendri Road, Talghare Pokheral Phant Road. Urban Roads in ward no.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 10 are black topped with people's participation).

Water Supply:

            Gunadi, Madi river water supply scheme for urban wards no. 2, 3 & 4 serving by 9000 taps